Well, V and I had been planning with Tennie (of No Strings on Me) to hook up with her and her friend Coley, when we were in San Diego. We ended up making plans to meet at Denny's on Sunday at 8:30. Since we were at a concert the night before, and also kind of trashed our hotel room, V and I were afraid we would miss my mom's wake up call since I wasn't sure I hooked back up the phone right. We had been trying to log on line by disconnecting the phone and using that, but something was being screwy. Plus, I kept kitting my head on the damn lamp that was above me. Anywayz, we ended up getting the wake up call. I'll skip the boring details of getting ready, let's just say part of it involved me fixing the TV and convincing V to watch the Might Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. Finally we got all our stuff together, cleaned up the hotel room as best we could, and went down to the car. A few minutes we were at Denny's. We walked into the place, not sure of who we were looking for. We saw a girl standing up talking on a cell phone, and sitting down on one side of her was a pleansant looking woman and on the other side a girl watching us. I turned to V and commented on the bright neon sign they had up, when the girl on the cell phone pointed at me and said, "Q!" I shouted as best I could with the voice I didn't have, "Coley!" We hugged and introduced my mom to her aunt (the pleasant lady) and her friend Julie to V and I. She told us that she was on the phone with Tennie trying to figure out when she was getting there. Soon the waiter came and sat us down, and we started eating and talking. A little later Tennie came and we started talking to her too. Coley, Tennie, and Julie are all so nice! Tennie and Coley run another site called "Boy's 'R' Us" it's a Backstreet humor thing, and Tennie's thinking of combining it with No Strings On Me, which I said would be a fabulous idea. And Julie was just fascinated the idea of meeting people you know online. It was actually pretty cool, and hopefully when I go back to SD we can all hook up again. When we finished eating it was time for us to hit the road, so we said good-bye *sniff* and left. All in all, this weekend was one of the best weekends of my entire life. We saw the best group in the whole world, met some close friends in person, and had a blast! I hope I get to do something like this again. Even if I don't, I will always have my memories... that don't always work. *thoughtful pondering* |